Syllabus of Web Designing

Introduction to HTML

  1. What is html?
  2. History of html?
  3. Html using notepad++ and Sublime
  4. Install text editor
  5. Write some Html

Introduction to CSS

  1. What is CSS?
  2. CSS Demo on HTML Page
  3. Why use CSS?
  4. CSS Syntax

Introduction to JavaScript

  1. What is JavaScript?
  2. Why we use JavaScript?
  3. JavaScript Syntax
  4. Can JavaScript Change HTML Content?
  5. Can JavaScript Change HTML Attribute Values?
  6. Can JavaScript Change HTML Styles (CSS)?
  7. Can JavaScript Hide HTML Elements?
  8. Can JavaScript Show HTML Elements?

Web Designing with Bootstrap (Responsive web App Development)

  1. Downloading the Bootstrap Files
  2. Understanding the File Structure
  3. Creating Your First Web Page with Bootstrap
  4. Including Bootstrap’s Files via CDN
  5. Bootstrap Grid System
  6. Creating Fixed Layout with Bootstrap
  7. Creating Fluid Layout with Bootstrap
  8. What is Responsive Web Design or Layout
  9. Bootstrap Typography
  10. Bootstrap Tables
  11. Bootstrap Lists
  12. Bootstrap Forms
  13. Bootstrap Input Groups
  14. Bootstrap Buttons
  15. Bootstrap Images
  16. Bootstrap Media Objects
  17. Bootstrap Icons
  18. Bootstrap Navbar
  19. Bootstrap Panels
  20. Bootstrap Breadcrumbs
  21. Bootstrap Pagination
  22. Bootstrap Labels and Badges
  23. Bootstrap Progress Bars
  24. Bootstrap Jumbotron
  25. Bootstrap Wells
  26. Bootstrap Helper Classes
  27. Bootstrap Modals
  28. Bootstrap Dropdowns
  29. Bootstrap Tabs
  30. Bootstrap Tooltips
  31. Bootstrap Popovers
  32. Bootstrap Alerts
  33. Bootstrap Stateful Buttons
  34. Bootstrap Popovers
  35. Bootstrap Alerts
  36. Bootstrap Stateful Buttons
  37. Bootstrap Accordion
  38. Bootstrap Carousel
  39. Bootstrap Typeahead
  40. Bootstrap ScrollSpy
  41. Bootstrap Affix

Learn how to make website live (Web Hosting)

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